Moon Cactus (Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii) is a Cactaceae family member. Generally, these cacti are not toxic to cats, dogs, or humans. You can place them near pets and children without any worries as long as they don’t touch the thorns.
Flowers pink and appear in late summer. These blossoms are very strongly and sweetly scented. Their average 5-6 thorns are weak, flexible, slightly-curved, and greyish-yellow. It grows up to 4 inches tall and up to 1.1 and 1.9 inches in diameter.
All of the plants may be shipped bare root.
The Moon Cactus needs a great deal of bright, direct light. If you’re keeping your cactus as a houseplant, place it in a southern or western facing window.
Use a sharp well draining soil, and allow all excess water to run off every time you water.
As with most cacti, excessive watering will cause your feather cactus to rot.
These cacti are not toxic but remember they are also not soft and cuddly. Keep your Moon Cactus out of the reach of kids and pets to avoid uncomfortable injuries.
USDA hardiness zones 9a to 11b
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