Monstera deliciosa, also called Swiss Cheese plant, is one of the most popular houseplants in the Monstera family. There are actually 2 types of Swiss Cheese plants: Monstera adansonii with longer, tapering and enclosed leaf holes, and Monstera deliciosa with large, splitting leaves.
Monstera deliciosa is an evergreen tropical climbing shrub that originates from the tropical rainforests of southern Mexico. It is a real monster plant with huge leaves that can reach over 30 inches in length if given enough light and humidity. This plant can grow well indoors but it is a bit more tricky to care for as its leaves are sensitive to both low light conditions and harsh direct sunlight, as well as over and under-watering.
Monstera deliciosa has a moderate growth rate and it needs a support pole for its aerial roots to climb on. Young plants have heart-shaped intact leaves, fenestration of the leaves won’t start until the plants are about 1-2 years old.
In Monstera’s huge leaves are wonderful for removing common airborne toxins. This air-purifying plant is perfect for any bright, lit room in your home or office. Monstera Deliciosa, with its large, perforated leaves, is a popular feng shui plant known for its ability to attract positive energy and create a sense of abundance. Its lush, vibrant foliage symbolizes growth and prosperity.
Monstera deliciosa isn’t likely to bloom indoors, but in its natural habitat, this plant may bloom and fruit.
Monstera deliciosa needs a lot of bright, indirect sunlight, but harsh direct sunlight can burn its leaves. Too little light, on the other hand, would stunt its growth and make the leaves brown.
This plant has an average watering need. Water once every 7-10 days to keep the topsoil slightly moist. Drain well after each watering to prevent root rot
This plant prefers rich, well-draining soils. Use a peat moss-based potting mix and add some perlite for a good drainage.
Monstera deliciosa thrives in temperatures between 65°F-80°F. As a tropical houseplant with huge foliage, it needs a high humidity level (ideally at least 50% all year round). Use a humidifier and mist your plant when the weather is dry, especially during winter.
This plant should be fertilized once per month during the growing season (spring/summer) with diluted houseplant fertilizer.
This plant is mildly toxic so keep it out of reach of curious children and pets.
USDA Zone 10-12
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
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