Haworthia cuspidata is a strong and pretty hardy succulents. It forms star-like shaped rosette up to 4 inches in diameter. Also called “Star Window Plant”, it has dark green leaves with translucent areas near the tips. It grows offsets freely and hence can be grown as a ground cover.
In spring, it produces small white flowers on thin long stems.
All of the plants may be shipped bare root.
Bright light, but not direct sunlight.
Use a cactus mix or very fast-draining potting soil mixed with sand.
Water only when soil feels dry to the touch and then drain completely. Never let the plant sit in water.
Zone 9a 20 to 25 °F
Zone 9b 25 to 30 °F
Zone 10a 30 to 35 °F
Zone 10b 35 to 40 °F
Zone 11 above 40 °F
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