Philodendron Birkin, or Philodendron ‘White Wave’, is a new Philodendron variety. Birkin has large, deep green pointed leaves with creamy white pinstripe variegation. Each leaf has a unique pattern, making this one of the most attractive Philodendrons.
This plant was cultivated from a rare spontaneous mutation in the Philodendron Rojo Congo. This mutation made some plant cells unable to synthesize chlorophyll, resulting in the captivating variegation colors in Birkin’s leaves. New leaves are almost white, and the leaves gain more green color as they mature.
As one of the most sought-after Philodendron types, this plant can brighten up any living space! Like all philodendrons, Birkin filters out airborne toxins and purifies your indoor air.
Philodendron Birkin prefers bright, indirect sunlight, but it also tolerates medium conditions. However, this plant does not grow well in low-light spots. Too little light results in darkening leaves. Avoid harsh direct sun to prevent sunburn.
Birkin prefers well-drained soils that are slightly moist. Water once a week for whenever the first 2 inches of the soil is dry. Drain well after each watering to avoid root rot.
The best soil for this plant is rich but well-draining soil. Add some peat or perlite houseplant potting soil to increase drainage.
This plant grows best in normal room temperatures (between 65°F-85°F). This plant is not frost-tolerant and it does not grow well when the temperature drops below 50°F. Birkin thrives in normal indoor humidity (40-50%), but as a tropical plant, it grows better in warm and humid environments.
This plant should be fertilized once or twice per month during the growing season (spring/summer) with diluted houseplant fertilizer or compost.
This plant is toxic in ingested, so keep it out of reach of pets and children.
USDA Zone 10-12
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
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